Mold Design Using NX 11.0: A Tutorial Approach
Mold Design Using NX 11.0: A Tutorial Approach textbook is written with the intention of helping the readers effectively design molds and its parts such as gate, runner, and various other standard parts using Mold Wizard of NX. After going through this book, the users will be able to design molds easily and effectively through processes such as analysis and documentation which have been dealt in detail. Also, the chapters in this textbook are arranged in a pedagogical sequence that makes this textbook very effective in learning the features and capabilities of the software.
Keeping in mind the requirements of the users, the textbook at first introduces basic terms and analyses and gradually progresses to cover sequential method to create mold and documentation. Written with the tutorial point of view and the learn by doing a theme, the textbook caters to the needs of both novice and advanced users and is ideally suited for learning at your convenience and pace.
CADCIM Technologies, USA
Prof. Sham Tickoo,
Purdue University Northwest, USA