Autodesk Softimage 2014: A Tutorial Approach
Autodesk Softimage 2014: A Tutorial Approach textbook introduces the readers to Autodesk Softimage 2014, one of the world s leading 3D animation and visual effects software. This textbook covers all features of Autodesk Softimage 2014 such as modeling, texturing, lighting, rigid bodies, ICE, Syflex cloth, hair, Lagoa, rendering, crowd simulation, and camera sequencer. It also explains the use of the Face Robot toolset that is used to create facial expressions. Wide coverage of tools and description of each concept through tutorials as well as the pedagogical arrangement of chapters make this textbook unique in itself.
The book will help you unleash your creativity, thus helping you create visual representations of the world around you on your computer screen much in the same way that a brush enables a painter to transform the blank canvas into a vibrant statement of human imagination. This textbook will make a painter out of you, with the mouse as your brush and Softimage's interface as your palette. Written with the tutorial point of view and the learn-by-doing theme, the textbook is ideally suited for learning at your convenience and at your pace.
CADCIM Technologies, USA
Prof. Sham Tickoo,
Purdue University Calumet, USA